A simple process with you in the driving seat

Our straightforward approach puts you in control, with helpful guidance from us at every step of our journey together.

We go through a tried and tested process, but this may differ depending on your circumstances. You’ll find we’re very flexible to work with.

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Our process

Our five stage process

Working with us couldn’t be more straightforward. See the five steps on the right of this paragraph to understand how the process works.

Getting to know you is the first crucial step and allows us to understand what’s brought you to us, your financial situation, goals, and needs – as well as your risk tolerance.

The more we learn about your circumstances and aspirations, the greater our chance of making a positive difference to your financial health.

Our clients will tell you we support them at every stage of their lives, so you must feel we’re a good fit for your financial requirements and values.

Once we’ve got to know you better and gained your permission to dive deeper into your finances, we collect more information to build a more comprehensive picture of your unique financial situation.

Depending on your requirements, this might involve contacting the providers of financial products you may have or reviewing the performance of investments you’ve made.

Fact-finding enables us to create customised financial recommendations that genuinely consider your income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and other relevant factors.

Following our desk research, we reconvene with you to present our findings and recommendations.

Our advice will wholly depend on the specific needs and requirements you expressed at the beginning of our journey.

One of the benefits of working with us is that we’re independently regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which means our advice is 100% objective. We’re not incentivised or obligated to recommend a particular avenue to take.

Should you wish to proceed with the financial recommendations we propose, we’ll then start implementing the actions.

That might mean deploying tax-efficient strategies to minimise tax liabilities or creating a retirement savings plan. It could involve switching pension providers or diversifying your investment portfolio to manage risk.

Whatever action we take, up until this point, you haven’t paid us a penny. Only when we act on your behalf do we charge you a fee.

Once we’ve implemented our recommendations, our support doesn’t stop there. We continue to review your financial plan and investment portfolio to ensure they align with your current needs and goals. After all, life changes, and the unexpected can happen.

We meet annually to assess your situation, and halfway through the year, we send you a six-month valuation. You get full access to phone and email support, and we often run webinars to offer our financial advice on popular topics.

Our advice may evolve as your circumstances change and financial markets fluctuate.